January 2024
The Siska Family

Aloha! We are the Siska family and are so happy to be picked as PDD's Family of the Month. We are a family of 7 - Scott (dad), Hannah (mom), Ethan (brother), Aurora (dancer), Princess Leia (the cat), Wickett (the Labrador) and Boba (the Frenchie). We love hiking, playing cards, cooking and attending all the sports/dance activities. We are newer to PDD, so I'd love to share our story on how we came to be a part of this dance family for anyone on the fence about joining.

We are a military family and blessed to get a few years living on this beautiful island, but with moving comes all the work of finding a new dance studio. We originally found one that was close and friendly but didn't have other aspects we were hoping for. We decided to look for another studio at the end of the season and were suggested Pas De Deux. When I called to inquire about classes for the upcoming season, I realized PDD was about to have their summer recital and asked to get tickets to the show. Dance Mom Tip: If you ever need to see the heartbeat of any studio...go to their recital! We arrived and everyone was so friendly, we could see all the families interacting with each other, dancers, and staff. We took our seats and the curtains opened to the first three routines. That's all it took. three. Aurora leaned over and whispered, "Mom, I want to go to this studio." I replied tearfully, "Yeah, they are great huh? I feel like we missed a whole year on the island at the other studio." Right then, we both knew PDD was the place Aurora needed for more genres, technique and growth.

I can't praise PDD dancers and musical theater students enough for welcoming Aurora the second she walked into those trial classes. Every day she wants to go to dance and every time she leaves is wearing a smile. I also have to give a shout out to all the staff and other parents that I approached with hundreds of questions. Always willing to be available, helpful and kind. Because of you and your open hearts, we knew we had found thee studio for us.

Fast forward to now, Aurora has been exposed to Musical Theater and Vocal lessons at PDD and loves it! She decided not to waste any of her dance time at PDD, so also tried out for their Prep Competition Team and is about to start her first season of competitive dance! We are so excited to see Aurora's confidence and technique grow, along with her love of dance.  The hardest part of finding and loving PDD isn't the drive each day from Kaneohe (if you know the H3 to H1 merge, you know our pain), but the fact that we already know our time is limited with this amazing dance OHANA. Thank you Pas De Deux for what you have given us, it's more than just dance/theater. <3 

February 2024
The Ching Family

Aloha PDD family! We are surprised and honored to be chosen for this month's Family of the Month! We are Keola and Rhiannon Ching, parents of Braelynn, who is currently enrolled in Hip Hop level 4 and Tahitian level 2. Our family photo includes our two other children, Brayden and Briannalynn, having a great time at our favorite place to visit, Disneyworld!

Keola is a Fire Captain with the Honolulu Fire Department and has been a firefighter for almost 24 years. He also owns and operates his training company, HeartStart CPR & First Aid. Rhiannon retired from Hawaiian Airlines in 2020 after 20 years of customer service, needing to be home with Braelynn during the pandemic. She is now a life insurance and living benefits agent with Premier Financial Alliance and finds her new career very gratifying in that she is able to help people achieve their financial goals. Brayden (25) is an assistant produce manager for Safeway and is hoping to follow in his family legacy of eventually becoming a firefighter. If successful, he'll be the fourth generation on Keola's side. Briannalynn (21) danced Hip Hop and Tahitian at PDD for about eight years until she graduated from Mililani High school in 2020. She was also in Company Hip Hop her last two years and still fondly remembers dancing with the late and great Twitch during one of his workshops in Las Vegas during The Dance Awards competition. She is currently attending Valencia College in Florida pursuing a degree in nursing, while working at Animal Kingdom in Disneyworld driving the Kilimanjaro Safari tour truck. Say hello to her if you see her on your next family vacation!

Braelynn (13) is a 7th grader at Mid-Pacific Institute. This is her second year there and was fortunate to have been selected to join the intermediate volleyball team this year with no prior volleyball experience. She will be joining the track team as well and also plays the clarinet in the intermediate band. Her dance journey began when she was six years old, following in her big sister's footsteps of dancing Tahitian at first, then Hip Hop a little later. She really enjoys expressing herself through the two different genres of dance and looks forward to performances and recitals. She is normally somewhat quiet and reserved but opens up and shines on stage. She says she still gets nervous before every performance but wishes they wouldn't end at the conclusion of each one. We really look forward to all of her performances too as we get to sit back and see her hard work in practice (Not to mention seeing the fruit of our labor as dance parents who invest so much time trying to kill time while waiting for her during practices. You all know the struggle is real!). We are hoping she will take her Hip Hop dance to the next level and try out for Company one day.

We've now been with PDD for 12 years from the original studio in Waipahu and have seen a lot of positive growth. We love the passion for dance and the desire to see the kids succeed from Wendy and Jeremy, which has also has been an enduring quality with every instructor that we've had the pleasure of knowing. We've seen the dance styles of many other studios over the years at competitions here locally and on the mainland as well, and are happy and proud to say that PDD has always produced age-appropriate dances and productions. Thank you, Wendy and Jeremy, for keeping our kids, kids. Our advice to everyone would be to continue to support your children and get involved through volunteering during performances and recitals, no matter how small your role may be. Your kids will see you there supporting them and will feel encouraged in achieving their full potential. Not every child will become a professional dancer, but having dance as an artform in their lives will make them more well-rounded individuals and set them up for success later in life.

March 2024
The Duquez Family

Happy March, Pas De Deux (PDD)! We are truly honored to be the family of the month! We are the Duquez family; Lem (dad), Phoebe (mom), Ezekiel (16), Hezekiah (13), Layna (10), Sapphire (7-year-old English Bulldog), and Topaz (1 year old French Bulldog). Lem is currently an AGR for the Army National Guard, a veteran-owned business owner, and the personal chef for the family. Phoebe is a full time stay at home mom and the Duquez family's private “uber driver”. Ezekiel is a sophomore in high school. He is in the Symphonic Band and has played the clarinet for about 6 years. He also finished his first year on the wrestling team for his school. Hezekiah is a 7th grader. He is in the Concert Band and plays the flute. He also has been taking piano lessons for almost 3 years. Layna is a 4th grader, and she has been dancing all her life, but has been dancing at PDD for 3 ½ years. Sapphire is a retired “show” dog and enjoys eating, sleeping, and following Ezekiel everywhere he goes. Last but not least, Topaz is a French Bulldog who enjoys making trouble to Sapphire, eating, sleeping, and playing fetch.

Our dance journey began when Layna was 3 years old. She would always be dancing wherever and whenever. Even when she had to put her toys away, she would be dancing her way around the room. It would take her hours to clean up her bedroom. It was then we realized it was time to put her into dance class. We were living in Arlington, Virginia, at that time and enrolled her in ballet since there was a studio very close to our apartment complex. She danced there for only a few months due to our move to another county. We planned to find another studio, but soon after we settled into our new home, we found out that we would be moving back to Oahu.

It was not until the fall of 2020 amid the pandemic, Layna, who was 6 years old at the time, continued to show interest in dance. Due to the pandemic, we did not think that there would be any studios open for classes, let alone taking in new students. We already knew of PDD because we live very close to the area. We figured we would take a chance to call and inquire about classes. Thankfully, they were open and taking in new students. In October 2020, Layna had her trial class in pre-ballet virtually. Thus, our dance journey with PDD began.

We never imagined Layna's passion in dancing would take us to Las Vegas and San Diego! We thought dance would only be weekly classes and a couple of recitals. We knew she loved to dance, but we later learned how talented she was as a dancer. From pre-ballet she then showed interest in jazz, and this is where she flourished. She surprised us all! We found ourselves being a dance family when Layna was invited to be part of the Petite Dance Company in the 2023 season. Although it took us some time to think about what we were getting ourselves into; talking to other parents whose dancers were in company and encouragement from Layna's teachers/directors, we were sold!

Being part of the Company at PDD, Layna expanded her abilities in ballet, jazz, and tap. She also had the opportunity to attend workshops of various genres including contemporary, hip hop, and ballroom. She gained more confidence in herself as she started to train to dance her first solos in ballet and lyrical for this 2024 season. We are very blessed and grateful for these opportunities. Through PDD, we gained a wonderful second family. Seeing each other on a weekly basis and traveling together for competitions, we built friendships with other dance families. We are so very thankful for the other dance moms and dance dads who have become “Auntie” and “Uncle” to Layna. We are also thankful for the staff, mentors, teachers, and directors for all their hard work. We are especially grateful to Ms. Wendy and Mr. Jeremy for their unwavering support, and incredible vision for PDD. We look forward to another exciting season with all of you!

April 2024
The Gomez Family

Our heartfelt thanks to PDD for this wonderful honor! Being selected as the PDD family of the month fills us with immense pride. We are the Gomez family: Ariana (Daughter), Taizen (Son) Jill (Mom), and Travis.

Our journey with PDD began when we stumbled upon their Instagram page in January 2023. Our aim was simple: to give our daughter Ariana a chance to explore new activities and forge friendships. What unfolded was a transformative journey for her. Ariana embraced musical theater and jazz, indulging her love for role-playing, singing, and dancing. Her artistic pursuits have now grown to include ballet, hip hop, and vocal training. Witnessing Ariana's evolution from minor dance roles to prominent parts in performances is incredibly rewarding—it's like we're all part of this exciting journey. Despite the demands of managing a driving school for teens, we find solace in knowing Ariana has a nurturing place to develop her talents and self-assurance.

PDD is a place that's family oriented that has helped show our daughter what she is capable of achieving. We have observed Ariana's self-motivation and her continuous efforts to enhance her confidence with every class. Her dedication to personal growth is evident as she consistently strives to surpass her previous achievements, demonstrating an admirable commitment to self-improvement. As her parents, our greatest desire is to support our child's well-being and happiness. Dance has become a cherished activity that brings us joy and anticipation with every performance she gives.

PDD Ohana has significantly uplifted her spirits by presenting small tokens of appreciation for her achievements, which have made a substantial impact. These gestures of recognition not only celebrate successes but also deeply motivate and encourage continued excellence. It's a testament to how little acts of acknowledgment can truly go a long way in boosting morale and fostering a positive environment. We are always worried about how our child will do in the class but we can honestly say that the staff has always cared for Ariana like family. We will continue to enroll our daughter because the lessons learned through PDD are truly priceless.

We would like to leave all of the readers with one message...Listen to your children and they will find what makes them happy and all we need to do as parents is give them a platform to shine. Always encourage them to never give up and they'll naturally gain the skills by showing up with their genuine hearts and passion in living a life that's true to oneself.

Thank you to Wendy and Jeremy and all the Teachers and staff at PDD. Your dedication has shown Ariana and all the other children the light to success!

May 2024
The Kato Family

We are so honored to be chosen as a Pas de Deux Family of the Month and truly appreciate the family that our PDD ohana has become. We are the Kato family: Isabelle (10), Jace (8), Kevin, and Jessica. Isabelle is in 4th grade and when she is not at PDD, she loves spending time at the beach and hanging with our dog, Cova. She is constantly singing and dancing, wherever she is, and even choreographs numbers for her brother to join in on. Jace loves playing baseball and soccer and can usually be found on a field somewhere. He also enjoys dancing with his sister and will even attend hip hop classes on 'bring your friend to dance' days. Kevin and I are both teachers and we find joy in watching our kids do what they love, whether it is outside at a baseball field, or a dance competition or play.

Isabelle has been dancing with Pas de Deux for five years now and not only has she developed as a performer, but she has made deep friendships and gained amazing mentors. Isabelle has grown from being a 'disco duck' in her first creative movement performance into competing as part of Pas de Deux's Prep Company Team. Throughout her time at PDD, she always feels valued, cared for, and seen. She spends most days at the studio and looks forward to going there after school. As a parent, there is great comfort in knowing that she has a place where she can be herself and is loved for it.

Not only has PDD become a place that Isabelle loves to be, but I have found a community of dance moms turned friends. The culture of PDD is positive and uplifting and, even though it is a top dance studio, known for having fierce competitors, what stands out to me is the collegial environment where all members of the community want what is best for one another. Isabelle recently began singing as part of the PDD Sound Lab and was so encouraged by all of her dance and theater friends who showed up to cheer her on.

As educators, my husband and I understand how hard it can be to teach students in a way that challenges them, but also builds their confidence. Pas de Deux instructors are able to do just that. Isabelle always knows what she needs to work on to improve, but never feels defeated. As a member of the dance, vocal, and musical theater programs, she consistently receives personalized feedback and praise. Her teachers know her as a dancer, singer, performer, and most importantly as a person. They care about her and believe in her and I could not be more grateful.

Thank you to the Ms. Wendy and Mr. Jeremy and the entire Pas de Deux ohana for creating a special place where our family feels valued and all students are given the opportunity to shine.

June 2024
The Paslay Family

Thank you Pas De Deux (PDD) for honoring the Paslay Family for Family of the month! Our family has 6 people, and one dog (Stitch) Morgan (9), Dylan (11), Landon (13), Wyatt (15), Nick (Dad), and Naomi (mom). Morgan has been attending PDD for 2 and 1/2 years. She participates in Musical Theater and Jazz. Morgan has made many friends in her classes. She is a natural performer, and as I'm sure her brothers would love to tell you, she sings and dances all the time, from first light in the morning until she goes to bed at night! PDD classes and instructors have helped to encourage Morgan and has been a positive influence in her life.

As a family, we all proudly identify as nerds! We all love to read, mostly sci-fi and fantasy. Wyatt is already coding for computer programs, Landon studies space and wants to be an aerospace engineer, Dylan is interested in all things related to the Odyssey (this started with Percy Jackson, which led to EPIC the musical, which led to him trying out reading The Odyssey), and Morgan loves math and creating her own math equations as well as creating art. Nick is often found at the beach surfing and loves to go off-roading. Naomi pretty much just tries to maintain the family life.

We heard about PDD from another PDD family, (shout out to Shani and the Kennedy family!). We heard so many great things, and were looking for a place for Morgan to try different types of dance and explore her interest in performing. Morgan was supposed to start at PDD when she was 4, we had her scheduled for a trial class, and then the Covid shut down happened. Once places started opening back up, we signed her up for her trial class. She tried Jazz and was hooked from the first class! She joined Musical Theater soon after and found a true passion, combining her love of singing, dancing, and being on stage!

PDD puts on such a great show, whether a musical or recital. So much attention and love go into every event! The staff is so talented, between the teachers, stage managers, costume designers, etc. I (mom, Naomi) love to help out during recitals and productions! It's amazing to watch the performances, but equally amazing to see what happens backstage. Morgan loves to perform, but she also loves to watch live performances, sometimes it's hard for her to choose if she would rather perform or watch.

Thank you to Wendy and Jeremy for your dedication and encouragement, thank you to Laura, for making sure everyone gets where they need to be during performances and costume design, Jessica for great backstage direction and always helping with my random questions, and all the PDD instructors for making classes fun and sharing your expertise!

July 2024
The Quilinderino-Wilia Family

We've been a part of the Pas De Deux family for almost 4 years, and it is such an honor to be recognized as Family of the Month! Pas de Deux truly has become a second home for Ka'imi. Here she has built lasting friendships, found amazing mentors that she looks up to, and is taught by teachers who are passionate about dance.

Ka'imi just turned 9 years old and will be entering the 4th grade. At home she lives with Mommy (Kacy), Momma (Dee), her 3 cats and 1 dog. She is a social butterfly with a big personality. She enjoys any kind of swimming - whether it's at the beach, a pool or especially the waterpark. We just took her on her first trip to Disneyland where she finally conquered her fear of rides, and now she wants ALL the rides!

As a baby, she was constantly tumbling, twirling, spinning and dancing. My late grandma fondly nicknamed her, her Twirling Dirvish because of all the videos of her spinning and twirling in her pretty dresses. Having been enrolled in gymnastics since she was 13 months old, all that was left to nurture her passions was dance classes. It wasn't until she saw the movie Leap that she finally asked to take classes because she was now convinced she wanted to be a ballerina. Unfortunately, this was also during the beginning of Covid. The shutdown forced her out of her social settings, where she lost her love and interest in gymnastics and found it really hard to focus in classes.

But by the end of 2020, her persistent begging to become a ballerina (and get out of the distant learning trap) got the better of us and we started to look for a studio for her. We knew there was one close to her gym and called PDD to schedule her trial class. I still have the picture of that first day, where you can see her smile even behind her mask. She was sold, and so were we! Although she insisted she wanted to be a ballerina and only take ballet classes, she finally listened and trusted mommy that jazz truly was where her heart wanted to be and enrolled in both ballet and jazz.

Fast forward to 2022. She was invited to be on the Petite Prep team for the 2023 season where she first got a taste for the competition life! That season she competed in ballet and jazz. At the end of the season, she found hip hop and started taking classes. PDD has provided a home for her to explore, expand and nurture her love for dance. And because of that, we've added new genre's every year. This upcoming season will be our busiest, but we're excited for what's to come! Thank you Wendy, Jeremy, and all the amazing staff at PDD that helped get us here and provide the support system to get through these busy times. Our journey only just started!

August 2024
The Tadaki Family

The 2025 PDD Dance Season has officially begun, and there is definitely a whirlwind of excitement at the studio! We are the Tadaki Family, and we are very grateful to be recognized as the Family of the Month.

Jessica, our energetic 9-year old, is a 3rd grader at Mililani Ike Elementary who loves reading, swimming, and her Barbies. Her passion for performing has drawn us all into her exciting dance world. Ryan is a Senior Investigator with Hawaiian Electric and a member of the Hawaii Air National Guard. This past season, Ryan, a Dance Dad-in-Training, ventured out of his comfort zone by learning to style Jessica’s hair in a bun and bedazzle her costumes with gems. Erin works at Wheeler Middle School as a Math Intervention Teacher. As a Dance Mom, she enjoys the camaraderie amongst the dance families and likes supporting the dancers backstage. Randen graduated from Mililani High School and will attend UC Irvine in the fall. Though it is difficult to admit, he adores watching his sister Jessica perform and is completely smitten with her. Recently, Randen joined Jessica in hip hop class during “Bring Your Parent to Dance Week,” which they both found hilarious and memorable.

Flashback to 2018, our world was turned upside down when Erin received a breast cancer diagnosis. To help our family through this challenging time, we found comfort in reading picture books together. One book became our symbol of hope, with its cheerful mantra– “Cancer hates dance parties!” So, when Jessica turned three that August, we enrolled her in Creative Movement at PDD. Little did we know that this decision would be the start of a delightful new chapter in our lives.

From that moment on, PDD has been Jessica’s happy place. Her dance classes have been nothing short of a lively dance party filled with growth, friendships, and pure joy. She enjoys all the genres—ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap, and her favorite hip hop. Two years ago, Jessica’s dance journey took on a new and exciting rhythm when she became a company dancer. She loves being a part of a team, and she has learned that success is possible with dedication and hard work.

Throughout the years, dance hasn’t just been about the pliés and chassés. We have watched how dance has taught Jessica grit, nurtured her confidence, and encouraged her to find her inner strength that goes beyond the studio's walls. She dances with a positive spirit with each practice and performance and this always reminds us that dance fosters resilience. Her growth on and off the dance floor would not have been possible without Ms. Wendy, Mr. Jeremy, and PDD’s family of peers, mentors, teachers, and directors who have embraced and guided her.

As we twirl into this new season, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the hope that PDD and dance bring into our lives. With each beat, we look forward to more dance parties and making amazing memories with all of you. Cheers to the happiness and joy we find in dancing together— one step at a time! Let's DEUX this!

September 2024
The Wietlisbach Family

Aloha Pas De Deux Family. We are honored to be the family of the month for September. We are the Wietlisbach family, Kristin (Mom) Haylee (11) and James (11).  Kristin is a flight attendant for Hawaiian Airlines and Haylee and James are 6th graders at Mililani Middle School this year.

We have been with the studio since 2017 when Haylee and James both decided to do creative movement when they were 4 years old. Haylee has been obsessed with dance ever since she watched the Nutcracker at the age of 2. She is going into her 5th year with the company and is loving being in every genre this year with tap being her absolute favorite. Ms. Taylore has taken Haylee’s love of Tap and expanded it exponentially in not only her technique but love for it and we couldn’t be more grateful for her.  Haylee has also now been a part of three Musical Theatre shows with PDD and is currently preparing for her fourth as well as being a part of the vocal program. She has added mentoring to her schedule this year and truly loves it. Her training at PDD has given her incredible opportunities to be able to dance at various places around the mainland. Last summer she was accepted into the Cincinnati Ballets Summer Program where all of her teachers commented on the amazing training she has received at PDD. PDD is Haylee’s favorite place to be and we often joke she might as well live there. Haylee found her passion for dance and theatre early on and I am so grateful to PDD for encouraging that passion and helping her to grow as a dancer, thespian, singer and person over the years.

James has been dancing on and off with Pas De Deux doing hip hop and breakdancing. He then decided to try tap last season and really enjoyed it. He was on the Hip Hop Prep Team for the last two years. He recently decided to try basketball for the first time and loves it. He also enjoys playing soccer. He would love to someday get to dance with his sister.

Thank you to Wendy and Jeremy and all of Haylee and James teachers who have inspired them and encouraged them over the last seven years. We are so grateful to be a part of the PDD family as it is truly a second home. 

October 2024
The Tsukamoto Family
Our family came to Pas De Deux twelve years ago looking for a place where our four-year-old daughter Bostyn could see if she liked dance. We tried other activities such as soccer and quickly found that running around for hours in the hot sun was not her thing. The studio, however, was indoors and cool and the people friendly and warm. Miss Allicia made class seem so exciting and fun that Bostyn wanted to keep coming back each week. A few months later, she made her dance debut as a Smurfette in Pop Rocks and the Tsukamoto’s officially became a dance family.

Like all parents, we wanted a safe space for our child to experience new things and find herself in the world -a place that would be challenging and yet nurturing, somewhere that would make her work hard to achieve goals and be a place of joy and comfort as well. Pas de deux has been all those things and more.

Over the years as the studio grew, we have watched our daughter grow with it. She started to push herself to become more confident in her dancing and in 2023 she achieved Teen Studio Dancer of the Year. We have watched her develop and foster a nurturing part of herself through being a mentor to younger dancers. She has learned lessons well beyond executing a plié in first position. Pas De Deux has helped her grow as a dancer and more importantly as an individual and we are thankful to have been a part of that journey.

Having been a part of the Pas De Deux family for so many years, we are happy to be selected as the PDD family for this month. What started out as a casual search for something our daughter would enjoy has turned into a meaningful part of our lives, and here we are twelve years and thirty dance costumes later. Thanks again to Wendy, Jeremy, and the rest of the Pas De Deux team for everything you do. We hope that other families will find the joy and satisfaction that PDD has given our ohana.